Build, Publish and Deploy to ECS

  1. In your JFrog Platform instance, go to Application > Pipelines > Pipeline Sources.

    Pipeline Sources

  2. Click Add a pipeline source.

  3. Click Add Pipeline Source at the top right and select From YAML.

    Pipeline From YAML

  4. For SCM Provider Integration, select the github_integration that you created previously.

  5. For Repository Full Name, select your forked /aws-ecs-docker-compose-workshop.

  6. For Branch, select master.

  7. Leave Pipeline Config File Filter as pipelines.yml.

    Create Pipeline Source

  8. Click Create Source. JFrog Pipelines will process the CI/CD pipeline. The status should show Not Synced then Syncing and then Success.

    Success Pipeline Source

  9. Go to Application > Pipelines > My Pipelines. Notice that your pipeline has a status of Not Built.

    My Pipelines

  10. Click on your pipeline, aws_ecs_docker_compose_workshop_app_build.

    Workshop Pipeline

  11. Click on the app_docker_build step and trigger the step to execute the pipeline. JFrog Pipelines will allocate build nodes and execute your pipeline.

    Trigger Pipeline

  12. It will take a few minutes to execute. Click on the Run to monitor the status of each step.

  13. Use the pulldown to select each step and view the logs.

    Pipeline Step Logs

  14. When the pipeline execution completes (approximately 5-10 minutes), view the log for the ecs_deploy step.

  15. While this pipeline is executing, go to the CloudFormation console to watch the CloudFormation stack create the new ECS cluster. You can also go to the ECS console to observe the new cluster.

  16. Scroll down to get the PORTS value. Enter the value into your browser to view the application!

    ECS Deploy URL